After years of little innovation in the treatment of erectile dysfunction, Eroxon® is finally providing something new. Applied directly to the penis, our gel formula is clinically proven to help men get an erection within 10 minutes – no pills, no wait, no pressure.
Eroxon® can help you get an erection in under 10 minutes, and can be purchased online or in person without a prescription, making treatment easier than ever.
Eroxon® is a
gel applied to the head of the penis,
and is clinically proven to treat erectile dysfunction in men -
Eroxon® is available
without a doctor’s prescription in Europe and the UK. -
Eroxon® has a very
low incidence of side effects

Eroxon® enables partners to be fully involved and play an active role in finding a solution for erection problems.
No prescription needed
Partners can purchase Eroxon® for their partner who has ED from the pharmacy or online -
No planning
Eroxon® works fast, helping to restore spontaneity in the relationship -
Applied directly
Partner can apply the gel to the head of the penis as part of foreplay